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Women in Sports: Integrate the Trend of in your next Campaign

Women in Sports: Integrate the Trend of in your next Campaign

Throughout history, women have been fighting for equality. Every time there is a gender wall knocked down, it’s highly celebrated. In 2019, it was groundbreaking when the FIFA Women’s World Cup was highly televised and talked about in a way that made it just as important and interesting as the Men’s World Cup. Integrating women in sports into a marketing campaign will benefit your company, the athletes involved and will impact women everywhere. 


Why You Should Market Women in Sports

There are outdated stereotypes that women’s sports are not as entertaining as men’s, and female athletes are not as talented as male athletes. By making women in sports a primary focus in your marketing campaign you are aiding in crushing these stereotypes.  Marketing campaigns influence people’s thoughts and opinions. If the public sees as many campaigns featuring women in sports as they see with male athletes, it will influence people to watch and support women in sports as much as they do for men. 


A Mutually Beneficial Relationship

Sports play a huge role in our society and influence the way many people live their lives. Companies have been capitalizing off of sponsoring male athletes and keeping male sports teams in business for a long time. Big companies have popularized male sports and in return, they reaped the benefits of it. Both the sports organizations, the players and the sponsor benefit from these partnerships. So, why not do the same with women’s sports? As women’s sports are on the rise, it’s extremely attractive for a company to sponsor a women’s athletic team since the market won’t be as saturated. This will not only reflect extremely well on your business, but it will aid in the normalization of people supporting women’s sports. 


Inspiring Women Everywhere

Over the past few years, female athletes have become icons as they are gaining the respect and recognition that they always deserved. Names like Serena Williams, Katie Sowers and Lindsey Vonn are household names and heroes to women. They have helped make a big name for women in sports, and they are as influential as male athletes.  For little girls all over the world, seeing female athletes featured in a campaign and chosen over the sea of male athletes gives them the chance to make them feel celebrated as a female. They see themselves in the athletes, and it inspires them to pursue their own dreams regardless of the gender norms associated with them.

Empowering women in sports in your campaign will catch the eye of your female audience. Women love to support other women in influential positions. They see it as paving the way for their daughters and future generations. If they see a product with a female athlete on it, they are so much more likely to purchase it. Most fans of female sports are women, so including women in campaigns will highly influence female consumers’ purchasing decisions. 


Women in Sports Provide A Healthy Change of Pace

Featuring female athletes in a campaign does not have the same effect as a male athletic campaign. Male athletic campaigns, for the most part, tend to follow the same outline. These campaigns have been done so many times that they all blend together in the consumers’ minds. Whereas applying women in sports to a campaign feels fresh and inspiring, they are full of inspiration and ingenuity. Women in sports campaigns are harder to come across and therefore stand out more when they are present.  


At Burkhart Marketing, we stay on top of the rising trends in the marketing world. For more ideas, check out our website to see how else we can inspire and help you.  



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