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Micro-Moments: Major for Marketing

Google search Micro Moments

Micro-moments is a term coined by Google defined as an  “intent-rich moment when a person turns to a device to act on a need- to know, go, do or buy.” These moments feel small to the consumer but are major for marketing. 


Moments You Can Swoop In

Micro-moments feel instinctive and natural. You need something, so you open your phone to find the solution. “Where should I order dinner from?” is quickly answered when you open your food delivery app. As a company, it is your job to be the solution people are looking for. 

90% of the time a smartphone user looks to buy something, they are not looking for a specific brand. This means with the correct advertising and marketing, you can be the brand they see and choose to go with. Marketing at the right time and in the right place can turn a micro-moment into your next sale.


Know Where to Market

Knowing when and where to catch these moments can be huge for your brand. Listen to consumer discussions on when they are needing things similar to your product or service to know how you should market.  

If your service is location-based, geofencing could help target consumers in a specific area. Additionally, keeping content relevant and current can help draw in consumers who could benefit from your brand.

If you already have a customer following, marketing to them through email, phone numbers, or app alerts can remind people to come to you for their needs. Many brands integrate with other services to be there when consumers need them. For example, Uber has integrated with Google Maps in order to offer their rides when a person is looking for where to go. 

Having a good idea of your consumer insights will help determine where you should market in order to hit your target audience. 


Think Like a Consumer

Thinking like your consumers is key in any marketing, but especially in micro-moment marketing. Considering their decision-making journey can help decide what you should market and when. Micro-moments are quick, so your brand has to be ready for them. Understanding your consumers’ thought process is essential. 

This also means not bombarding them with information. As a consumer, it’s annoying to receive countless emails and push notifications. By being strategic in your messaging and timing, your brand will overcome the noise of other messaging and stand out to your consumer. Micro-moment marketing is all about being present and being helpful. Understanding what the consumer thinks and feels can help guide you. 


If you want to use micro-moments to boost your brand’s marketing, contact us. so we can talk more.


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