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How To Write Email Newsletters That People Actually Want To Read

How To Write Email Newsletters That People Actually Want To Read

Email newsletters are a critical part of every company’s marketing. The general purpose of an email newsletter is to update those on the mailing list about your business, products and services. An email newsletter should feel like an update, not a push for the reader to make a purchase. 

Email is the most popular form of communication, and many users would rather be sent an email than see updates in their social media feed. The question is, how do you write an email newsletter that people will actually want to read?

Here are some tips to help make your email newsletter more interesting. 


Keep it Short and Sweet

Today’s consumer wants information fast. When readers are looking for information, they want to find what they were looking for rather quickly and get back to what they were doing. No one on the mailing list wants to sit and read a 10 minute update; they would rather be able to look at it and know what is going on in a few minutes. 

Chances are their inbox is filled with several other newsletters from other companies. When they look through these, they don’t want it to be a task that will take up a lot of time. Short, effective newsletters get the point across to the reader in a short amount of time.  

You Are Not a Salesman

Readers do not want to feel pushed into going and buying your product or service. That’s a decision they want to make on their own. Inform your reader on changes in your company, product or service, and let them decide what to do from there. Use the newsletter as a way to build a relationship with the reader and instill their trust in your company to assure them that you do care for their needs. 

You do want to be sure to include a way to get to your website though. At the bottom, include a link the reader can use to find more information by heading to your website. You could also include your company’s social media handles, so they can get a better look at what your company offers. 

A Customized Experience is Key

Just because newsletters are sent out to the whole mailing list does not mean it can’t be customized to the reader. By simply adding their name at the beginning of the newsletter or subject line, you can draw their interest into the newsletter and make them want to read it. This will communicate to the reader that you do care about your individual customers. 

Make it Relevant

There is always so much going on in today’s world. Relate your newsletter to an event, season or movement that is going on. For example, in the fall, give your newsletter a fall look by adding warm, fall colors to your text. If you’re close to  Super Bowl time, make references to the game or add in a fun football meme or gif. 

Giving commentary about an event can also include your company in conversations and show that your company cares about what’s going on with current events, not just making sales. 

Have Fun With It

An email newsletter doesn’t have to be boring, it’s not a report. Use colors that work together and stimulate the reader’s interest. Your emailing list doesn’t want to read like a boring whitepaper. 

Add graphics and designs to make the newsletter standout. But also don’t go too crazy with it, stick to colors that match your theme or idea and don’t add too many graphics that will take away from the purpose of the newsletter. 

Interested in learning about more techniques to enhance your company’s email newsletter? Contact Burkhart Marketing for more information. 



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