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Digital Intern Spotlight – Welcome, Sophie!

Welcoming Sophie - Our Digital Intern

Burkhart Marketing Partners is happy to welcome Sophie Chadderton as our newest Digital Marketing Intern! Sophie is a senior at Butler University majoring in Strategic Communications with a concentration in Sports Media. Sophie is excited to gain experience and collaborate with others at Burkhart. Welcome to the Burkhart team, Sophie! Read below to learn more about our new spring ‘23 intern.


What drew you to becoming a digital marketing intern in advertising/social media?

I was drawn to becoming a digital marketing intern because I love strategic collaboration and creativity. Advertising is a constant flow of creativity and I resonate with the strategies and various approaches to tell the story of different products and services.  


What color crayon would you be? 

I would be a pink colored crayon. Pink is my favorite color and adds the perfect pop of color to any outfit. 


Would you rather win the lottery or get your dream job? 

I would rather get my dream job. Professional or personal goals require hard work, commitment, and perseverance, where as winning the lottery is usually based on luck or chance, where as achieving long term goals and aspirations is far more fulfilling.


What do you think about when you’re alone in your car? 

When I’m alone in my car, I always think about the music I’m playing as I love to sing in the car. I often think about the area I’m driving in. When driving in an unfamiliar area I often think about the scenery. I try to imagine what the road or town center looks like during the summer or holiday season.


What is your most-used emoji?

My most-used emoji is the hands forming a heart because it always adds a nice personal touch to text messages. 


What is a professional goal that you hope to accomplish in the next five years?

As a second-semester college senior, I have many professional aspirations. A professional goal I hope to accomplish in the next five years would be to focus on leadership and growth, specifically to work as a leader or mentor to someone within the organization or company where I work. 


How would your friends/family describe you?

Caring, outgoing, and dedicated are three words my friends and family often use to describe me. I am extremely extroverted and always willing to help others. My dedication stems from my desire to learn new things and face any challenge with a positive attitude. 


Is your glass half-full or half-empty?

My glass is always half-full. I always try to see the positive in any situation and I believe everyone always has something to offer or bring to the table. 


Do you have a favorite 90’s sitcom? If so, what is it?

My favorite ‘90s sitcom is Friends. I have rewatched it many times and it is my comfort show. Perfect to have on in the background or put on when I am unsure what to watch. 


Is there anything you wish would come back into fashion?

Humble brag, but my favorite shoes are actually coming back into fashion. Moon Boots were super popular in the ‘70s. I got a pair for Christmas when I was ten and have been obsessed ever since. They are perfect for the snow, Plus they have recently come back into style and I could not be happier. 


What are you most excited about during your time with Burkhart as our Digital Intern?  

I am most excited to gain experience and knowledge from exemplary leaders in the marketing field. I look forward to applying what I learn into various projects and tasks. Burkhart will provide me with hands-on experience and the opportunity to collaborate with others in a creative and professional environment.


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