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Code is a Must-Have Skill for the Modern Marketer

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As the digital age becomes even more advanced, coding is becoming an essential skill. The real question is, should marketers learn the tool that is used behind the scenes for most marketing campaigns? From websites to apps and emails, code runs it all. That being said, code has proven to be a valuable skill for marketers to learn.


Learning the Basics Can Go A Long Way

Marketers don’t need to be amazing coders to make an impact. Learning the basics of code can help a marketer in many ways. There is no pressure to become the best coder in your company. Those jobs can go to the trained professionals. However, as a marketer, you do want to be able to communicate effectively with the other departments. Knowing a bit of code can make all the difference and can improve communication and decision-making. 


Understanding Code Can Improve Your Decisions

The decisions you make now can have an impact many years down the line. That’s why it’s important to be fully knowledgeable when making marketing decisions. As a marketer, understanding code can help you communicate with your partners. Additionally, you can understand what is and isn’t possible when developing a campaign. There’s only so much code can do, so you want to be prepared for any limitations. 


You Can Make Quick Fixes with Code

If you’re having problems with an image or your paragraph isn’t doing what you want it to do, it can become frustrating. Having to rely on your tech team is a tedious task. Basic knowledge about code can cut downtime. You’ll no longer have to seek out a long Youtube video or call your web designer to solve your issues. Resolving small issues on your own can save time and money. Ask your designer for a run-down of the basics. 


Accurately Measure Your Campaigns 

As a marketer, you need to know the impact your campaigns are having. JavaScript and HTML are both great places to start. This will give you a core understanding to use programs and tactics to measure success. With JavaScript in a browser-based IDE, you can programmatically control your AdWords. This skill and knowledge is great for any digital marketer. Regardless of your task, with a basic level of JavaScript and HTML knowledge, you can create more impactful ads.


You Can’t Go Wrong Learning Code

Whether you want to work more efficiently, have a basic understanding or enhance your campaigns, coding is great for any marketer to understand. If this is something you’re interested in learning, there are many resources you can utilize. Ask a coworker who has an understanding of the basics for a quick lesson, or use online courses such as Code Academy or W3 Schools. Google is also a great tool for quick fixes and immediate information. Any knowledge is valuable to improve your marketing efforts.


Want more information about how to improve your business’ marketing? Contact Burkhart to see how we can help you. 


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