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How to Personalize Experiences in Hospitality with GeoFencing


For a majority of travelers, their mobile device is their number one travel accessory. With the hospitality industry being so travel-focused, many within the industry are taking it upon themselves to use location mobile technology to create the best, personalized experiences for their guests. Let’s take a closer into creating this personalized experience in the hospitality industry using geofencing. 

What is GeoFencing?

Geofencing is the practice of using global positioning and radio frequencies to determine a geographical boundary. Once this bounty has been established, firms can then use these areas to establish triggered responses via email, text message and even app notification. Therefore, businesses use this to create a more personalized approach alongside each geological area.

Strategies for GeoFencing in the Hospitality Industry

Automated check-in and check out

  • Having this feature gives the customer the option to be able to check into their hotel room on their phone. Firms can pick to geofence specific transportation locations such as the airport to determine which people that may need their services.
  • When checking out, guests can opt to use the designated check out service on the hotel app via their mobile device. This will allow customers to not have to waste time waiting in line. This can maximize the amount of utility the customer has left. If the customer is leaving unhappy, then they can leave a bad review on their way out. If they are happy, they will only focus on their experience.

Room service messages

  • When the guest has arrived at the room, the firm can organize a list of follow up messages to suggest room services. When the customer gets to the room an automated message says, “how can we serve you?” or “would you like some room service?” This would plant the message inside of their head. Also, it will let them know that the service is available via that platform.
  • This is an easy way to establish a relationship with the customers and gather information about them to forecast future events. This can help to solve an issue or provide a service for the customer in a timely fashion. This will upgrade the experience for the customer.

Tourist attraction

  • Setting up geofencing boundaries around highly traveled locations can boost the search results of the firm. The hotel or traveling app can offer coupons or discounted rates to the people who are looking to travel in the location of the hotel. 

Monitor social media posts from property

  • This tool can be used to gauge the customers’ happiness while they are on the property. Firms use this method to help understand what social media posts are going out while they are at the facility. If a customer is having a nice stay, then their social media posts should reflect that.
  • If a firm notices a frequent complaint shared by the customer community at the facility, then they can come up with a plan to eliminate it to help make the experience better.

Hospitality workflow 

  • It’s important to have staff in the busiest areas of the hotel. By using geofencing, firms can analyze the amount of foot traffic in one area and make sure that more staff is located in that area.
  • This strategy will help build a better understanding of the operations of the hotel alongside being able to provide a unique service for its customers.

Bringing It All Together

The use of geofencing allows for hospitality companies to have a more tailored approach to their customers. However, they can use this method to help keep notes on their customers and push services into their psyche. They even use this method to determine what rate to set their rooms. Everything that has been presented suggests that the hospitality company’s main focus is trying to find out what the customer wants and try to present it to them. The more information that they can get from their customers the better.

At Burkhart, we understand the importance of personalizing experiences for our customers. If you would like to know more about these methods and how to apply them, visit our website today!


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