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Easy Social Media Marketing Tips for Financial Advisors

Financial advisors are pros when it comes to helping people with their finances. However, they sometimes might lack knowledge on how to market themselves through social media. In this day and age, it’s important to be able to efficiently utilize any social media platform. 

This could seem like a complicated process for some. But with a little help from us, you’ll be a pro in no time. We’ll provide you with some quality tips that will give more context and insight into the strategies used by other financial advisors. Let’s take a closer look at these tips to learn how to apply them! 

Be Authentic

It’s important to determine the type of person that a firm would like to reach with their financial services. Establishing this specific clientele puts financial advisors in a better position to identify the wants and needs of their customers. They can then tailor their image to fit those needs. In this space, the financial advisor will find niches in the market which is helpful because it determines what services are in demand in the market. For example, a financial advisor can offer their skills on 401K planning, help newly single people or even help people who have retired. Establishing yourself in this niche will create a high demand for the services. 

From here, the financial advisor can then start to take a more personalized approach. On social media platforms, it’s important to make posts that are revolving around your personal life. This helps the audience form a better connection and feel more comfortable approaching you with their own personal matters. Topics such as holidays, sporting events or even office parties can be a great tool to help draw yourself closer to your clients.

Advisors who follow this plan tend to see an increase in engagement on their overall content, not just the cute dog pictures. The overall content draws people into the multi-facet social media platforms which, in turn, brings more business. 

Start Slow In Social Media

The initial customer base that will be nurtured throughout the time people begin following a financial advisor on social media will start slowly. It’s crucial to start a solid foundation of followers by gathering people who are closest to you. 

Gathering followers from family, friends, old classmates with and even family of clients will help form your follower base. This will allow you to tailor your approach to the people who you know best. Using people you know to start your follower base will allow you to gauge basic engagement. From this stage, you can work on building up your following. 

Social Content for Financial Advisors

To save time and resources, use social media aggregators and content management firms to build your content. This method allows for your social media content to stay consistent and look professional. 

There are multiple firms that provide these services that manage the content. These firms also come up with the content for advisors. This makes it quick and easy to maintain and establish a well-rounded brand to your customers. 

Compliant Content 

Building up a following is hard enough as is. It’s important to make sure that the content that is produced is legal and within the guidelines of the regulating party. If the financial advisor works for a larger company, the guidelines of the company should reflect on the overall message on the platforms. 

The topics that need to be avoided in this industry are solicitations, direct endorsements, direct investment advice, guarantees or misrepresentations of products and services. These will get advisors in trouble with the higher up powers within their company. 

At Burkhart, we are always willing to help better equip our followers with better social media tactics. If you are interested in learning more about these tactics, then contact us for more help, today!


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