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Tag: Creative

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has infiltrated our daily lives and is not going away anytime soon. From ordering groceries on an Amazon Alexa to deep machine learning used to detect fraud in bank accounts, it’s everywhere. AI has become a supporting tool to human intelligence, it finds patterns we can’t, and

When most people think of marketing and communications, they think of things that relate to acquisition strategy – getting new customers through the door. A customer’s in-store experience once they’re through the door is just as vital. The Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed the in-store customer experience. It’s just as

Inclusivity is a continuous learning process for everyone, and it’s an especially crucial evolution in the marketing world. Brands, consultants and agencies have to be conscious when recognizing people’s many identities and acknowledging the elements of who an individual is.   The Basics The majority of marketing focuses on the

My first memory of product customization was when I was about five years old at a gift shop on vacation searching for my name on a light-up keychain. The only thing I wanted for Christmas when I was 10 was a Nike ID gift card to design my gym shoes

This winter, Burkhart Marketing is excited to welcome one of our of social interns, Brooke Hazel, to the team! Brooke is a Junior at Butler University studying Strategic Communication and Human Communication + Organizational Leadership. Her creativity, sunny disposition and motivation bring a lot to the table here at #TeamBurkhart.


The relationship between a client and a designer is a special one. A designer is the modern-day mind reader who tries to make all of the elements you’ve thought about in your head come to life in a visual representation. The relationship you have with a designer and how well

A well-designed portfolio is every designer’s key to finding a job. It’s the one thing that helps them express themselves to potential employers. How do you know if your portfolio is good enough? How do you know if it will capture their attention and truly show future employers who you

These last few weeks at Burkhart have been an amazing learning experience! I came into this summer internship ready to take on whatever Burkhart had to throw at me, but I wasn’t sure of what all I would be doing. However, I was ready to learn and grow as a

You’ve spent a lot of time and thought on your company’s branding, and you finally have it finalized! You’re happy with how it all came together, but now what do you do with it? As a company, it’s clear how important your brand is after going through the process of

Marketing and design go hand in hand. Without good design, all marketing would look the same, and without marketing, there would be no need for design. They work together to make companies everywhere have an impact on their consumers. Today, more and more big companies are making design a top


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Overcome key issues to meet key milestones thinking outside the box, yet we need to leverage.

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