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Tag: digital marketing

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Content Marketing Personalization Header

Content marketing personalization is a critical part of any business. For brands looking to improve their conversion rate, one practical option is to focus on the personalization of their content marketing. Statista reports that 90% of consumers find marketing personalization appealing to some extent. Your audience wants to feel that

Blog Header

Social media has grown to be a central part of marketing for many businesses in recent years. It’s an affordable approach to marketing with a wide array of options. Businesses can utilize LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and more to generate a relationship with their consumers. The main question is,

Customer Experience

A customer’s experience (CX) is more important than the actual product or service for 84% of people. This means, if your customer experience is lacking, you could be missing out on a lot of business. This experience goes beyond an angry phone call on your support line and can be

Julia Hayes

As Spring is panning out and a bright Summer is panning in, we would love to introduce you to our new marketing intern, Julia Hayes. She is a senior at Butler University studying Marketing and is very excited to start her first ever internship, and we’re pretty excited to add

Link building is a key way to gain a larger audience on your platform. The reason link building works leads back to SEO, or search engine optimization. The more links there are on a page, the better the SEO will be. Having good SEO tells Google that your page is

Double opt-in emailing will improve organizations’ KPI metrics, engagement and email list quality. This is when you sign up to be on an emailing list and they send you a confirmation email to click to be on the list. The double opt-in confirmation email ensures that the email address entered

When someone hears your brand’s name, what comes to mind? Having a brand positioning plan can be a great way to control your strategy and brand image.   What Brand Positioning Is Brand positioning is what sets you apart from competitors. It can be defined as, “the act of designing

When I was applying for internships last September, my biggest fear was finding an internship that I hated. I was scared that the only responsibilities I would be given would be delivering coffees and doing busywork that nobody else wanted to do. Looking back now, I can’t believe I thought

Brooke Hazel

9 AM, I open my laptop. First things first, I always check my email and Microsoft Teams for any new messages. Next, I check Asana, our digital to-do list manager, to see what opportunities the day has in store for me. Most of my mornings started this way during my


Chatbots can answer 80% of a consumer’s standard questions. While saving time and resources, they can be a great way to streamline your customer service and get questions answered seamlessly.   Why Chatbots Are Worth It Chatbots are a way to be available to your consumers 24/7. They offer quick


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