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Tag: digital marketing

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This semester has been quite a unique one for me. I began the last half of my senior year working in Indianapolis at Burkhart Marketing and then something unexpected happened right in the middle of it – COVID-19. I am fairly positive that many, myself included, did not see this

Competition in the restaurant industry has been fierce as of late. For consumers, the industry has never boasted more variety or quality (thanks in large part to the complex palates of Millennials). Yet, despite increased menu options, local food sourcing and unique flavor combinations, restaurant sales are dwindling. Brands are

Generating new leads is the core activity for marketing teams in B2B roles. But the worst thing that can happen is for all that blood, sweat and tears go to go waste. Here’s how you can maximize those leads using a customer relationship management CRM tool. 1) Understanding your audience

The opportunities available with online video are increasing each year. If you aren’t already planning a video marketing strategy for your company, now is the time! Video has become one of the most powerful online marketing tools, but don’t just take our word for it. Look at some facts from

While plenty of figurative blood, sweat and tears go into the development of a new application, the hype may be short-lived following its launch. You’re competing in a cutthroat space to get people to not only download your app, but continually use and engage with it as well. When you


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