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Tag: tips

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As the digital age becomes even more advanced, coding is becoming an essential skill. The real question is, should marketers learn the tool that is used behind the scenes for most marketing campaigns? From websites to apps and emails, code runs it all. That being said, code has proven to

Content Marketing Personalization Header

Content marketing personalization is a critical part of any business. For brands looking to improve their conversion rate, one practical option is to focus on the personalization of their content marketing. Statista reports that 90% of consumers find marketing personalization appealing to some extent. Your audience wants to feel that

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Social media has grown to be a central part of marketing for many businesses in recent years. It’s an affordable approach to marketing with a wide array of options. Businesses can utilize LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and more to generate a relationship with their consumers. The main question is,

It’s a simple truth of our society that people love celebrities. We are highly influenced by things our favorite celebs say, do, wear and even eat. I will admit that I have bought something before because my favorite celebrity said they love it, and I know that I am not

When I was applying for internships last September, my biggest fear was finding an internship that I hated. I was scared that the only responsibilities I would be given would be delivering coffees and doing busywork that nobody else wanted to do. Looking back now, I can’t believe I thought

A well-designed portfolio is every designer’s key to finding a job. It’s the one thing that helps them express themselves to potential employers. How do you know if your portfolio is good enough? How do you know if it will capture their attention and truly show future employers who you

Digital signage is being utilized by many big-name, quick service restaurants (QSR) everywhere. It’s been a constantly growing topic since the ’70s. That’s most likely not going to change as consumers continue to immerse themselves in the digital world. As of right now, the most used types of digital signage

You’ve spent a lot of time and thought on your company’s branding, and you finally have it finalized! You’re happy with how it all came together, but now what do you do with it? As a company, it’s clear how important your brand is after going through the process of

Marketing and design go hand in hand. Without good design, all marketing would look the same, and without marketing, there would be no need for design. They work together to make companies everywhere have an impact on their consumers. Today, more and more big companies are making design a top

It’s 2020 and the world has gone digital! These last three months have proved this as we use technology more than ever before to communicate with others. Technology is taking the world by storm in almost all aspects of life, especially through marketing. With all of these technological advances in


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