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When is the Right Time to Rebrand? - Burkhart Marketing Partners
Burkhart Marketing Partners Logo, an Indianapolis Marketing Agency.
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When is the Right Time to Rebrand?

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Sometimes finding the moment to rebrand your business can be tough. Rebranding can take a lot of effort and time that many may not want to contribute. However, with changing social climates and a forever changing culture, business owners need to be ready to enact that change to save their businesses’ message. If you have no message at all, that is exactly one area where you will need to start. 

Brand Persona

To have a successful brand, you need to find the message that you want to deliver to your audience. A brand without a message is like a pie without filling. The crust may be nice and crispy, but people want the substance. Dive a little deeper into what your brand represents and create a persona. That includes not only who your target audience is but the overall idea of your company. The brand persona needs to follow your mission statement or goal of the company as well. What this does is connect with people on an emotional basis that will make them think more about the brand because it demonstrates traits that people can feel. 

The Audience has Changed

As your business grows, you may want to appeal to more demographics. From different cultures to age groups, deciding to rebrand for that reason is a great decision. Research your audience and take notes about what the target demographic likes and dislikes. Maybe even do a few workshops and surveys to get first-hand knowledge about them. The more info you gather on them, the better your understanding will be on how they react to your brand. However, make sure to always connect the audience to the mission statement or brand persona. No matter the audience, that is a crucial connection. 

Reconnecting to the Now

If your brand has been around for a while, people will likely know about the logo. However, would they know about what you represent? If not, it’s time to rebrand. As mentioned before, the persona is important and influential. Find out trends that are happening today and how you can relate your business to it. Don’t allow outdated methods to control how well your brand can succeed, and if you have more questions you can read further

Differ from the Competition  

Many companies have begun to look a lot alike. The issue with that is your target audience can get confused about your brand versus another. When that happens, taking a different approach to marketing or creating a new, refreshed logo design can help you stand out. You may need to even change your name. Google didn’t start out as Google – it began as BackRub. Rebranding for them made a lot of sense because the name didn’t connect with the audience nor did it represent what they did as a company. If you’re having that issue, go on ahead and think about what can make you unique among the herd.


Rebranding may not be an exact science. It’s really up to how you feel your company is doing in today’s market. Lucky for you, Burkhart Marketing is a pro at rebranding and can aid in tactics that will connect you to your target audience. Visit us today to get started on becoming the success we know you can be! 



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