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Employ Marketing Automation to Proactively Connect with Patients

Employ Marketing Automation to Proactively Connect with Patients

Healthcare IT is 10 years behind other industries in terms of deployment of advanced technologies? This is a statistic that should alarm the healthcare industry because the field is rapidly becoming more consumerized. That being said, the motivation to catch up and surpass other industries’ technological advancements should be through the roof. Marketing automation software can help minimize this gap. This software is a tool that can help increase proactive patient engagement, automate repetitive tasks and streamline marketing tactics. Your business can include this strategy to be able to produce more consistent, timely and relevant content for your patients. 

Sold on this concept yet? Read more to learn why marketing automation is the perfect link between employees and patients and benefits that will come as a result of its implementation.


Marketing automation transforms thinking from reactive to proactive

Today’s consumers are becoming more proactive thinkers. To add on to this thinking, they strive to “own their health” and want to have control over their decisions on healthcare. Changes in healthcare consumers mean changes in healthcare marketing are essential to help maintain connection and engagement. This is why marketing automation fits perfectly into the healthcare industry.

Marketing automation allows you to keep up with mass populations and provide them with relevant and personalized information to their personal devices. Here’s the great part – this is all done automatically. This is an efficient practice that allows the chance to have frequent contact with the patient beyond the office

This will help healthcare professionals become more proactive with their messaging by getting in front of questions held by patients before they come to the office with a problem that needs treatment. One popular use of marketing automation is email appointment reminders. Some others are follow-up care instructions, preparation for appointments and sending information relevant to current health trends.


Direct benefits that derive from marketing automation

Healthcare professionals should use marketing automation as a tactic in their strategic plans. Doing so will bring a bunch of benefits; Here are a few to help you get the gist.

Consistent Messaging

Marketing automation can be used by email to deliver messages to both current and prospective patients without sending hundreds of individual messages. Provide relevant and proficient information to establish a relationship and build rapport with your patients over long periods of time by creating a calendar of consistent content to be sent to them.

Personalized Connections

Tailor your content to specific patient audiences and needs. This will help push specific content that your clients want to see and leave them feeling like what is coming to them is personalized to their questions and needs without having to ask. This will help deepen the connection with your patients and also help you become a trustworthy source for their information.

Analyzing/Improving Campaigns

Marketing automation provides you the platform to be able to collect and analyze data from your patients and campaigns. This helps you know effective tactics and strategies implemented and ones that need to be improved for patient engagement. You can also find more opportunities or areas for campaigns from the patient data collected.


Bringing It All Together 

When it comes to becoming more efficient and engaging within your industry, growth should never seize. Marketing automation software will enhance the engagement process in healthcare and serve as a continuous communication platform between employees and patients.

Burkhart knows the importance of proactively connecting with clients. We are prepared to help you implement marketing automation in your strategy. Visit our website today to collaborate with us.


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