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Tag: Brand

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Inclusivity is a continuous learning process for everyone, and it’s an especially crucial evolution in the marketing world. Brands, consultants and agencies have to be conscious when recognizing people’s many identities and acknowledging the elements of who an individual is.    The Basics The majority of marketing focuses on the

digital signage

In the age of technology, we are constantly distracted by our phones and less likely to pay attention to our surroundings. Print media is highly unlikely to catch the consumer’s eye and becomes expensive if you are changing your advertisements frequently. Digital signage is more economical, efficient and eye-catching. It

Finding Your Brand

The first step to success is knowing what your goals are and who your brand is. Finding your signature brand is essential to expanding your market and standing out among competitors. This includes identifying your mission, focusing on who your target audience is, deciding how you want to be viewed

1027 Halloween Campaigns Blog header

Halloween is quickly creeping up and triggering feeds to fill with spooky, holiday-inspired campaigns from companies across all industries. Holiday marketing offers a limited-time outlet to put your creative bones to work and reach customers on a relatable level.   Brace yourself as we dive into five viral Halloween marketing campaigns

You’ve spent a lot of time and thought on your company’s branding, and you finally have it finalized! You’re happy with how it all came together, but now what do you do with it? As a company, it’s clear how important your brand is after going through the process of making

Marketing and design go hand in hand. Without good design, all marketing would look the same, and without marketing, there would be no need for design. They work together to make companies everywhere have an impact on their consumers.  Today, more and more big companies are making design a top

Are you struggling to find strategies to grow your business? Can’t seem to find an effective, long term way to gain traction? Look no further. Growth strategies can make or break a business, and finding yours is vital when trying to survive in today’s age. We’ve found the top five

Consistency is powerful. Why else would phrases like “Share a Coke” and “Got Milk?” carry so much weight? These are just two examples of iconic marketing campaigns that brought brands to the forefront of consumers’ minds and will certainly withstand the test of time. Despite their creativity and emotional edge,

Black silhouette of Michigan state including Upper Peninsula.

When you think about strong branding, what comes to mind? A list of popular companies? Some high selling products, maybe? There are many sources of branding out there, but often the most important brand to market is overlooked: your personal brand. Whether you love them or hate them, the Kardashians

Marketing professionals examining analytics and metrics for campaign optimization

What do trusted brands all have in common? They put their focus on doing, rather than telling and they are able to cement their presence in the marketplace. In today’s world, talk is cheap. But trust is invaluable! There is tremendous upside in having a trusted brand, but it doesn’t


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