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Tag: marketing strategy

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Social media has grown to be a central part of marketing for many businesses in recent years. It’s an affordable approach to marketing with a wide array of options. Businesses can utilize LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and more to generate a relationship with their consumers. The main question is,

Link building is a key way to gain a larger audience on your platform. The reason link building works leads back to SEO, or search engine optimization. The more links there are on a page, the better the SEO will be. Having good SEO tells Google that your page is

When someone hears your brand’s name, what comes to mind? Having a brand positioning plan can be a great way to control your strategy and brand image.    What Brand Positioning Is Brand positioning is what sets you apart from competitors. It can be defined as, “the act of designing

Google search Micro Moments

Micro-moments is a term coined by Google defined as an  “intent-rich moment when a person turns to a device to act on a need- to know, go, do or buy.” These moments feel small to the consumer but are major for marketing.    Moments You Can Swoop In Micro-moments feel

Personalized Content Marketing

Content personalization can be tricky. We want to tailor messages to a certain audience and make them feel seen as an individual. However, we can’t cross over into the creepy area of personalizing it too much. This is known as the personalization paradox. Instead, we need to find the right

Though trick-or-treating may be an activity for the little ones, Halloween has always been a staple holiday across all ages. From haunted houses, pumpkin carving, or just an excuse to indulge in your favorite sweet treats, the holiday certainly brings excitement. Now is the perfect chance to spice up your

Local Store Marketing (LSM) is a highly valuable, constant factor in driving sales. In most cases, it helps create your customer point-of-differentiation. LSM is critical for capturing a local customer base and helping build a strong sales foundation for sustained and long-term growth. Here are five helpful LSM tactics for

Advertising Cooperatives (Co-ops) can be cost-effective ways for manufacturers, retailers and distributors to reach their consumers. These advertising co-ops are partnerships between retailers and manufacturers where an agreement is made to share advertising costs locally. Utilizing co-op advertising correctly will not only cut down on media costs but also on

The opportunities available with online video are increasing each year. If you aren’t already planning a video marketing strategy for your company, now is the time! Video has become one of the most powerful online marketing tools, but don’t just take our word for it. Look at some facts from


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