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7 Ways a Brand Refresh Can Boost Your Revenue

7 Ways a Brand Refresh Can Boost revenue

Out with the old and in with the new. Refreshing your brand can help retain current customers and bring in new ones. It can also help boost your revenue. Check out these tips to refresh your brand.


Bring An Outdated Logo Up-to-Date

Your logo is one of the first things consumers will see. It can either entice them to see more about your company, or it can turn them away. Outdated logos can act as a red flag to consumers because it can cause your company to look as if it is growing obsolete. Help your company find success by refreshing your logo every 3-5 years. This will help you stay fresh and relevant. 


Gabriel Shaoolian, a digital growth strategist, says, “An outdated logo is usually easy to sport, even for average consumers who don’t know the first thing about design.” Your logo says a lot about your company, and first impressions matter. Give your consumers a good first impression with a new logo. 


Build Consumer Loyalty

While you may be a business, consumers seek for a relationship that they can trust. Involving your customer loyalty adds an emotional investment to every transaction. You can do this by involving the public into your company. Hearing their voices in your brand research and decision-making increases the connection between you and your customers. 


When customers feel there is a strong relationship, they will keep coming back to your brand. This will also cause your loyal following to recommend you to others. 


Choose the Right Brand Colors

Similar to how a logo aids in recognition, brand colors are an important part of being memorable. Finding a signature brand color can increase consumer brand recognition as much as 80%. Colors need to be bold enough that they stand out. Selecting a mundane color will fall to the background. 


Colors have meaning behind them. Keep this in mind when selecting your brand’s colors. Orange symbolizes being creative, enthusiastic and successful – all things that Burkhart wants to resemble. Other colors like blue, can show stability or peace. Pick a color that speaks to your brand’s messaging. Here are some other meanings behind colors. 


Communicate Your Core Business Benefits

In order to convert people to loyal customers, they must first have an understanding of who your brand is. Share your brand’s purpose, core values and voice. Consistency is key here, as actions speak louder than words. Maintain a clear message and show this in what your brand does every day. Check out Burkhart’s core values for some ideas. 


Make Your Logo Responsive

Now that you have a refreshed logo, make sure it’s responsive. It shouldn’t matter if a person sees your logo on their smartphone, on their laptop or on a billboard – you should be identifiable and consistent on all fronts. Do this by using certain fonts and colors in all presentations of your logo. Also when creating your logo, ensure it’s able to scale bigger or smaller depending on how it’s presented. 


Revive a Lackluster Reputation

Your reputation matters. If you already have a good reputation, capitalize on this and share client testimonials to keep the good words coming. However, if you have a weaker reputation, work on creating some distance from that. 


When refreshing your brand, show how you are headed in a new positive direction. Visual brand changes can be a great way to indicate that good things are coming. Share with consumers how your brand is changing and growing and put action behind all of your visual redesigns. 


Adapt Your Visual Brand As Your Business Evolves

It’s unhealthy to remain stagnant in your business. Keep growing and evolving. As your brand evolves, keep adapting your visuals to stay fresh. Update your designs as your business and products or services update. Keep both current and potential customers in the loop about how you are changing, so they can always know what you have to offer and why they should choose to invest in you. 


If you need help refreshing your brand, contact us



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