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Category: Demand & Lead Generation

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How to Develop and Use a Buyer Persona, and why it’s the most effective marketing tactic in understanding your target audience. In a saturated market, it’s important to know who your audience really is. Whether your customer is a Millennial, artisanal coffee shop owner or a YouTube obsessed Gen-Zer, developing a buyer

Lead generation should be a huge part of your business plan (see why here). However, implementing a strategy is sometimes more complicated than you would expect, especially when you want to leverage multiple channels to really maximize your efforts. For us, this is a five step process. Keep reading to

The importance of customer frequency is immeasurable and the benefits are two-fold. One, it creates a connection between a company and its most loyal customers. Two, it fosters brand awareness for the company to acquire new customers from reoccurring ones. Naturally, companies of all industries and sizes want to foster

Digital display advertising is an essential part of the marketing mix, even in a world of ad blockers and banner blindness. The question is: how do you make digital display ads that aren’t terrible? Here are our top five tips for creating digital display ads that actually work for lead

Professional photographer shooting product photos for marketing

From showcasing your creativity in building your brand awareness, exhibiting at a trade show could be the next big move for your company. Trade Shows are a beneficial event marketing tool that allows you to show off your product or service, leverage your competition and engage with your audience. Nothing

If you’re in the B2B world, you probably already know about leads. But what you might not realize is that not all leads are created equal. Enter lead nurturing: the process of slowly nourishing people along a marketing pipeline to take them from ‘vaguely interested’ to ‘ready to buy’ – before

Back in the pre-digital days, building awareness was the bread and butter of marketing and advertising. Tying specific revenue objectives or changes to an activity was difficult and clunky, so most advertisers stuck to building brand awareness and hoping for the best. Fast forward, and now it’s almost on the

Lead generation is essential for continuous growth and development of a company. It helps strengthen a business and allows for a larger reach and consumer following. While sales and marketing teams do not typically agree on much, both teams understand the importance of lead generation. Customer Relationship Management systems (CRMs)

Generating new leads is the core activity for marketing teams in B2B roles. But the worst thing that can happen is for all that blood, sweat and tears go to go waste. Here’s how you can maximize those leads using a customer relationship management CRM tool. 1) Understanding your audience

Sales and marketing often find themselves in conflict. Sales wants all the energy to be on the pipeline and closing. Marketing just wants to be left alone to successfully generate leads often based on quantity, not quality. Today, we’re going to look at a small segment of the overall funnel,


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