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10 Social Media Campaign Ideas to Try This Year

Social media is one of the necessary, if not the most important, parts of a business nowadays. Having a strong social media presence is one thing, but if you also have a purpose while posting, you’re taking it to a whole other level. This is where social media campaigns come in. Below we’ve provided a variety of social media campaign ideas to help people like you, and who knows, maybe one of these will be perfect for you!

1. Holiday Posts

A great way to show your audience that you are engaging and not just a bot is to personalize current holiday posts. Along with increasing engagement, it’s also a great time to hold a promotional event revolving around that holiday!

2. Create Polls

A great way to increase engagement on social media is by actually getting your audience involved. Polls allow you to get feedback, and also your audience to feel involved in decisions made by your company.

3. Follow Popular Trends

This has become much easier to do now that video platforms like TikTok create trends that are easy for the average person to replicate, along with taking it and adding your own twist to it. This gives a form of relatability to your posts and makes the audience seem like they are in on an inside joke!

4.Using Influencers

Influencers are basically promoters on Instagram who get paid in a small fee for advertising to their followers. Using these influencers can allow you to reach many different audiences and can be cost-efficient when using micro or macro ones.

5. Show Positive Testimonials

I know I can’t be the only one who feels more inclined to buy a product when I see positive feedback? By posting your happy customer and bringing light to good reviews, it makes others feel more comfortable trusting your business.

6. Interact with Customers

Even just replying to or liking reactions on your posts goes a long way. If a person is talking about you online it never hurts to respond and make sure your customers know that their feedback has been seen. 

7. Generate Hype

Whether you are launching a new product or business venture, it’s a good idea to generate hype around it. A good example of this is when Kylie Jenner teased her new makeup palette here.

8. Create a New Social Media Platforms

If a new platform is generating a lot of buzz, make sure you create an account immediately. Sometimes these platforms die out within a few weeks, but other platforms, such as TikTok, can take the world by storm and become essential to have. Get ahead of it.

9. Curate Content

Some assume that your social media profile should only consist of your work. By posting others’ work, it makes your brand feel more human almost and encourages others to possibly create content for you to use. 

10. Show Behind the Scenes

This is a great way to connect with your audience. Showing a meeting in progress, or even just a lunch break, creates an emotional connection with your team and allows your audience to see how you interact when nobody’s watching.

There are so many different ways to stay current on your social media platforms. It really just comes down to what works best for your audience and company all while staying aligned with your brand when picking a campaign. 

Now that you hopefully found a few social media campaign tips, head over to Burkhart Marketing to see if we can connect with you!


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