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Tag: tips

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Engagement, impressions, reach — what does all this social media lingo mean? In the world of social media marketing, jargon can quickly become difficult to interpret, and many marketers find themselves confused about the industry’s terms. This confusion is particularly apparent in the case of impressions versus reach. While the two

Simple line drawing of a clock showing time

Is your franchise business buckling under the weight of marketing expenses? If so, chances are you’ve considered joining a co-op to alleviate some of the financial pressure – or maybe you’ve already joined! If you have, this one’s for you. Run by members, franchise cooperatives provide franchisees the opportunity to

Simple line drawing of a clock showing time

Job interviews can be stressful – especially if you haven’t gone on many. Every interview requires you to present yourself professionally and sell yourself to people you have just met. This process can be confusing and nerve-racking when starting out. However, if you spend time preparing before each interview, remain

At Burkhart, we love our digital and mobile marketing toolbox. Hootsuite, Google Analytics, WordPress, salesforce.com, MailChimp – there are so many that we use every day. But digital marketing is constantly evolving, especially for franchise businesses. As we develop new channels and technology, like those related to uniting online and


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