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The Experience of a Burkhart Intern

Brooke Hazel

9 AM, I open my laptop. First things first, I always check my email and Microsoft Teams for any new messages. Next, I check Asana, our digital to-do list manager, to see what opportunities the day has in store for me. 

Most of my mornings started this way during my internship at Burkhart. The rest, however, changed on an almost daily basis. While I can’t tell you everything I worked on and every detail of what this internship looked like for me, I can give a few key takeaways about what made this opportunity so amazing. 


A Team That Operates Like Family

Sure, half of the team is biologically related. But that doesn’t stop them from treating every other employee and client like they are also a part of the Burkhart family. Everyone in the office truly wants the best for one another. Caring for one another, sharing stories and laughing over a cup of coffee is an important part of Team Burkhart. 

This family mentality is seen, not only among team members, but also in all of the work Burkhart does. Every client is treated with respect and importance. I can attest that Burkhart members are passionate and put their all into their work in order to give clients the very best. 

In previous work and internship experiences, I have seen people in higher positions use that as a way of feeling better than newcomers or interns. At Burkhart, while I respect the knowledge and experience the team has, I never felt less important than them. Team members were always available to answer questions, give advice and offer opportunities to me. 


Experience in the Field 

As soon as I started my internship in January, I was able to learn and was given opportunities. Writing blogs, creating graphics, researching social media insights and more, I was able to work on a multitude of things. Never did I feel like I was just doing busywork. Instead, I was able to practice valuable skills in the field and try new things. Some of my favorite parts of the internship included creating images as well as the media planning aspect of my job. 

Burkhart allowed me to try new things in a low-risk way which I really appreciated. I attempted new things with the help of others on the team and learned as I worked. Trying things under my team’s supervision helped me to know that what I was working on was good quality. I am a better candidate for future opportunities due to this experience. I found new parts of the industry I am interested in because of this. 

As a student, I am constantly learning in my classes at Butler University about what the communications and marketing industry looks like, and this internship helped me to put those lessons into practice and get valuable experience. 


Thank you, Burkhart Marketing and team members, for this amazing opportunity. I have learned so much from you and gained valuable experience! 


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