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The Rise of Cause Marketing in the Sports and Entertainment Industry

How to Capitalize on the Rise of Cause Marketing in the Sports and Entertainment Industry

The world is constantly becoming more connected and with that comes the increased recognition of global hardships. This heightened level of awareness has brought the rise of cause marketing into play. The idea of companies showing support to a worthy cause is a concept that has taken flight within the sports and entertainment industry. Fans want to know that their favorite sports teams and entertainers use their platforms for issues greater than their own. Now is the time to capitalize on cause marketing and implement it into your marketing strategy. Continue reading to learn best practices within cause marketing that will help elevate your brand recognition all while supporting a good cause. 

Why Now?

Cause marketing started in the 70s, but last year really elevated it to the forefront of marketing strategies and campaigns. When reflecting on all that happened last year, it shouldn’t come as a surprise. There were a handful of historic events throughout 2020 that paved the way for cause marketing to become a trending marketing style to capitalize on. COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement lead the charge, and as a result organizations and people have felt compelled to speak out on what they stand for and where their support resides.

According to Accenture’s 2018 Global Consumer Pulse Research, 62% of global consumers want companies to take a stand on issues they are passionate about. 64% of consumers find brands that actively communicate their purpose more attractive. Now more than ever is the perfect time to capitalize on what the consumers want by doing so. 

This, combined with the rise of the belief-driven consumer, has coupled together for the perfect time for organizations to emphasize the importance of corporate social responsibility. Consumers like to make purchase decisions based on organizations who share common beliefs. Companies have shifted from neutrality and have made intent on making statements positioning themselves on sides of social issues. Given a time where there are a handful of issues prevalent; Taking a stand and implementing cause marketing will help you capitalize on the country’s current climate.

Don’t Confuse Cause Marketing with Sponsorship

In order to truly capitalize on cause marketing, it is important to note that it is not the same as sponsorship.  If it is looked at as such, you (the business) will not benefit as much from the relationship. Sponsorship is a form of cause marketing that involves donation. Looking at it as the entire entity will not allow you to utilize cause marketing to its full potential. Instead, think of cause marketing as a handful of tactics that use the power of your brand to generate profit for both partners. Some other types of cause marketing are co-branded events, gift matching, volunteerism partnership, and even simple promotion. The cause being supported is the driving tactic to all your marketing efforts that brings that profit. This differentiation is imperative to help reach the desired benefits of cause marketing. 

The Key to Cause Marketing: Transparency.

One of the things customers value most is transparency. Given this, it is very important that when implementing cause marketing into your strategy you are genuine about the cause you are supporting. This means that you should choose a cause that your brand can reinforce through their established image. Doing this eliminates confusion within consumers because of suspicious changes. Once your cause is chosen, your relationship with the nonprofit organization and messaging should remain consistent. Long term relationships show the commitment to the cause by providing long lasting support; This is important when generating cause marketing. You must ensure that the messages reinforced by your organization reinforce the mission of the nonprofit you are partnering with.

Successful Cause Marketing Campaigns in 2020

Building a successful and efficient link between your brand and your business is not easy. To do so, you must use your creativity, think long term, and use multiple platforms in order to encapture the attention of your consumers. Here are two examples of organizations who have run successful cause marketing campaigns. 

#1:  Nike- You Can’t Stop Us

In this video, Nike used the message “You Can’t Stop Us” to bring hope and perseverance back to those who may have lost it in the midst of a global pandemic. The timing, succinct message, and vivid imagery pulled together to make this one of the best campaigns of 2020.

#2: Vogue- Frontline Workers

This campaign focused on “The New Front Line” of workers during the global pandemic: essential workers. The campaign had both print  and video advertisements displaying the many different professions demonstrating bravery during a time of such uncertainty. This campaign was simple and authentic, and showed raw images of essential workers in action. This image was something strikingly different from Vogue’s typical front cover page, and the shock played in their favor with their consumers. 

Bringing It All Together

Last year was full of ups and downs and global issues. Given this and the rise of the belief-driven consumer, organizations should look to implement cause marketing into their strategies to capitalize on the current trends taking place this new year. Burkhart is prepared to work with you to develop creative, continuous cause marketing that grabs the attention of all your desired consumers.


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