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What Are Interpersonal Skills?

What Are Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills are best described as traits that you rely on when interacting and communicating with others. They include a wide range of skills like listening and effective speaking and also include the ability to control and manage your feelings and emotions. Interpersonal skills are also referred to as social skills, people skills, soft skills or life skills. 


Different Types of Interpersonal Skills

Active listening is the process of listening attentively while someone else speaks, paraphrasing and reflecting back on what was said and withholding judgment and advice. With active listening, you listen with all senses and give the speaker your full undivided attention. This is a practice that makes the other person feel heard and valued. 

Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, body language, eye contact, among others. Most types of communication are nonverbal. Nonverbal communication plays a big role in how people communicate information and meaning to others, along with how the actions of those around us are interpreted. 

Verbal communication is both written and spoken. It is the sharing of information among individuals or groups through the use of words. 

Patience is simply the ability to calmly wait for or through something. Patience is a combination of self-control, humility and generosity. 


Why are Interpersonal Skills Important? 

In general, interpersonal skills are important to be able to interact with other people. Throughout your life, you are going to have to interact with people numerous times a day. Good interpersonal skills can make these interactions smoother for all people involved. Interpersonal skills allow us to build relationships with other people. 

Strong interpersonal skills can also come in handy at work. Employers look for interpersonal skills during interviews. Someone who communicates well will be more likely to get the job than someone who does not. Interpersonal skills also help with the day-to-day work tasks and communicating with your coworkers. 


Ways to Develop Interpersonal Skills

Here are some ways to help you develop interpersonal skills. 


Treat Others How You Want to be Treated 

It’s a saying we have all heard numerous times growing up, but it is one of the best ways to connect with people. One way to do this is by showing empathy for others. Empathy is understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts and experiences of another person without having been communicated. 


Have a Positive Attitude 

Having a positive attitude means being optimistic about situations. People with positive attitudes see the best in difficult situations. Having a positive attitude will result in a more optimistic view of life and work. You will see the positive side of things instead of looking for the negative. Having a positive attitude can help you cope with stress in a healthier way. 


Be Self-Aware 

Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection. This is being able to recognize your emotions, strengths, limitations, and actions. This is also being able to tell how those may affect those around you. 


Show Interest

To be successful in engaging with others in social situations you need to show that you are interested. Listen to what the other person is saying and don’t try to talk over them. Learn what is important to the person speaking and that will help you build a relationship with them. 

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