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What Are Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills are best described as traits that you rely on when interacting and communicating with others. They include a wide range of skills like listening and effective speaking and also include the ability to control and manage your feelings and emotions. Interpersonal skills are also referred to as social

How To Write Email Newsletters That People Actually Want To Read

Email newsletters are a critical part of every company’s marketing. The general purpose of an email newsletter is to update those on the mailing list about your business, products and services. An email newsletter should feel like an update, not a push for the reader to make a purchase.  Email


Content requires a lot of time, effort and planning to find what works best for your company and gets your audience engaged. There are many different types of content that you can build out and utilize, but first, you need to figure out where to start. We’ve pulled together a

Link building is a key way to gain a larger audience on your platform. The reason link building works leads back to SEO, or search engine optimization. The more links there are on a page, the better the SEO will be. Having good SEO tells Google that your page is

As the Spring semester comes to an end, so does my internship with Burkhart Marketing Partners. I am so grateful for Burkhart allowing me to be their Marketing Intern before graduation from Ball State. The overall experience has left me humbled and prepared for my professional career. When a college

When I was applying for internships last September, my biggest fear was finding an internship that I hated. I was scared that the only responsibilities I would be given would be delivering coffees and doing busywork that nobody else wanted to do. Looking back now, I can’t believe I thought

A constant debate for business owners is whether to outsource marketing or keep it in-house. Taking your company’s marketing in-house is a big commitment, but outsourcing requires trust and a strong partnership. When deciding which direction to go, it’s important to consider your team, budget, and capacity.    Why Outsource


Chatbots can answer 80% of a consumer’s standard questions. While saving time and resources, they can be a great way to streamline your customer service and get questions answered seamlessly.    Why Chatbots Are Worth It Chatbots are a way to be available to your consumers 24/7. They offer quick

When most people think of marketing and communications, they think of things that relate to acquisition strategy – getting new customers through the door. A customer’s in-store experience once they’re through the door is just as vital. The Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed the in-store customer experience. It’s just as


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Overcome key issues to meet key milestones thinking outside the box, yet we need to leverage.

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