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7 Steps to Mapping Your Content


Content requires a lot of time, effort and planning to find what works best for your company and gets your audience engaged. There are many different types of content that you can build out and utilize, but first, you need to figure out where to start. We’ve pulled together a list of steps that we think need to be taken in order to map out your content. Continue reading below to learn what these steps are.


Pick a Niche or Theme

It’s very important to be consistent with your theme/niche when planning your content. Keeping in mind a few topics that you will use helps with brainstorming new ideas relating to your niche. The more detailed themes or niches you choose help keep your main idea the same throughout your social media content. Niches play into what type of business you have and what are some more detailed topics we can talk about. For example, if your company is automotive then your niche topics could extend to repair or even offering new cars if that’s what your company offers. This step can be the easiest to work on because it’s about being clear about what type of services your business does and gives to your audience. Get an understanding of your niche and keep those themes consistent in your content. 


Understand Your Target Market

You need to be sure you understand who your target market is, so the content you actually create is attracting your desired audience. When you know your target market, it’s easier to know what type of content you need to use to gain their attention. Being detailed in who your audience is will help you to be a lot more detailed in the content creation process. For example, if you have a beauty company, your audience would likely be women roughly from the ages of 16-40. This could be a generic market, but you can always make even more specific target markets for certain products/services you offer. 


Make a Logo

Once you know your niche and your target market, it’s time to create your logo with a designated color palette to keep consistent throughout each content post. Your logo is a reflection of your target market and your service. If your target market is teenage girls, then you might want to use more bright colors with a nude undertone to the logo. A logo with a simpler design is trendy right now as more people are liking a calm and simple design for their logos. A designated color palette keeps you on track to have a consistent look to your content on all platforms while having a logo brings a more professional look with your color palette. 


What Platforms to Use

It can be hard trying to understand what platform brings you the most sales at first. There are so many options: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, etc. Most of the platforms are photo or writing-based content. Video content has been an amazing feature that drives and brings more attention to businesses. Deciding what platforms and content to use is very important to have a more organized content calendar. 


Create a Pattern

A social calendar with a designated pattern brings attention to the aesthetic of a company. Create a pattern using both photos and videos to have a consistent look throughout your page. The pattern can be created with the logo and the color palette to keep it consistent. Many companies also keep a pattern with their posts. For example, posts with a quote or a fun fact in between general promotional posts can break up the commonality of generic posts while keeping a pattern. There are many different ways patterns can be created. It depends on your brand to make it tie in with the topics designated by the company. 


Plan a Weekly Schedule

Planning is so important to mapping content. If you don’t have a content calendar, it can get messy without a plan or a layout of what post is going live. There are a lot of content calendar platforms you can utilize, but you don’t have to pay for a calendar platform. Creating a calendar on excel or even google sheets can be just as simple. You can also use these platforms to schedule your content on certain days ahead of time which will save you a ton of time. 


Feedback: Analysis Popularity

After all of the planning, understanding and content creation, it’s time to post and gather feedback. Studying feedback is as important as planning is. Knowing what type of social posts work and gather more attention is helpful when creating a stronger target market. This reflection also helps you keep up to date on new trends and features on the platforms you use. 


If you need help mapping out your content, contact us by visiting our website to set up a one on one meeting. 


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