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How to Enhance Your Customer’s Experience

Customer Experience

A customer’s experience (CX) is more important than the actual product or service for 84% of people. This means, if your customer experience is lacking, you could be missing out on a lot of business. This experience goes beyond an angry phone call on your support line and can be enhanced to result in a loyal customer fan base. 


Why Customer Experience Matters


Having satisfied customers can cause a major boost in your sales conversions and increase your client retention rate. Happy customers tend to spend more and keep coming back. Additionally, customers with exceptional experiences are more likely to market you to others. 

This difference isn’t minuscule either. In fact, brands that offer awesome customer experiences can increase their revenue up to 5.7 times what they would with a lacking one. That’s a big enough difference to matter. 

Feeling unappreciated is the top reason consumers switch to a different brand. That’s why it’s critical to provide the very best for your customers. 


How to Enhance your CX


Think of the Consumer Journey

Not every customer you serve is coming from the same place. Consider various perspectives of how a consumer may feel or think about your brand or product. This can aid you in making a strategy not only for marketing but also for your customer experience. 

Every angry phone call you receive on your support line can be valuable feedback for your company. Instead of responding in panic or frustration, be prepared to know how your customer got to this point and how to solve it. 


Integrate Parts of Your Company into Your Customer Experience

Your marketing team likely knows everything about your brand awareness and the content you’re producing. This means they are probably most familiar with the information your customers are regularly receiving and will be important in developing a strategy for building your response and managing reputation

Your sales team can see who is purchasing from you and what is driving purchases. This can help you better understand your customers and their motivations to know how to connect with them. 

Of course, a customer service team is the one interacting with customers directly. This team needs to have a strategy in place to know how to respond to customers calmly and with understanding. This is the group that puts a bow on all of the planning and marketing and knocks the experience out of the park.

Your brand may not have specific teams managing all of this, especially if you are a smaller business. But all of these perspectives need to be considered in order to care for your customers wholly.


Be Consistent and Open to Feedback

Inconsistency kills the customer experience. Be dependable for your customers, so they always know what to expect and can build trust for your brand. 69% of consumers will shop more with a brand that is consistent in their experiences, both online and in person. Know what tone to build your customer experience on and stick to it, so customers always know what they are going to get.

With this being said, if the feedback comes in, be willing to change. After all, you know what they say, the customer is always right. If issues become a pattern, address them and make revisions to your brand’s strategy. An average brand will hear feedback and move on, but a great brand will hear feedback and act upon it. 


Good business includes building a positive relationship with consumers. Enhancing your customers’ experiences will benefit both them and your brand. If you need help with your customer experience, contact us. We’d love to chat. 


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