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Incorporating Blogging into the Marketing Mix in the Food Industry

When looking at the marketing mix, blogging is one great tactic for all industries to turn strangers of your business into customers. It helps stray away from basic marketing methods and incorporate a way to reel in customers in an engaging and personable way. In the food industry, blogging is exceptionally great in helping tap into customers’ five senses. A food blog can do just that, and leave the reader salivating – which brings money into your business’ pockets. 


Where blogging falls in the marketing mix

Though most people buy food in person, a blog can promote your food business and gain visibility with people online. When including this in your marketing strategy, it can be placed as a tactic for search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, it really should be the first thing that you use to elevate your SEO.

Digital marketing is trending, and blogging is a newer tactic outside of social media that has made a statement. It’s a trend that can keep fresh and different content pertaining to your food consistently rolling to your customers. It’s an up and growing tactic, so it’s important that it is done in a way that sets you apart from your competitors.


Tips and Tricks to Food Blogs

Once you create your food blog, you should place it onto your website to help drive traffic. Then you can spread the blog on other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in order to multiply reach and generate a good impact. However, before all of this is done, you must write the blog. Here are some tips on how to make your customers hungry for your food.

Beyond the Food Stories

Since your main item being sold is food, it’s obvious that people love to see just how appetizing your dish can be. Images and vivid detail is a common way to tap into your customers’ senses and lead them straight to your products. However, one that is not seen as often that can be very effective is to tell stories behind the dish. By including your why and how behind how your meal was created, you are able to invoke an emotional appeal to your food. This will help your page stand out among the thousands of other blogs. 


Niches are a great way to bring a specific audience to your food business. They are able to draw appeal from customers more than using general food topics and ideas. When it comes to food, people know what they like, and they love to read/see what they like. Examples of niches to write your blog on can be gluten/carb/sugar-free food, veganism, healthy dishes, desserts or even cooking with a budget. 


Including a handful of recipes scattered throughout your blog will also help encapture potential customers and food lovers onto your page. These can be both full recipes or staple ingredients that your food always includes. This helps diversify content and allow customers a sneak-peek into what goes into some of their favorite (or potential favorite) meals that they can purchase from you.

Partnering with Professionals

A way to help expand your reach among foodies is by partnering with professional food bloggers. You can ask them to do “guest features” or even just review your business. In doing so, you can generate a more impactful presence in the food blogging world with your loyal customers and also bring in new customers along the way.


Bringing It All Together 

There are so many food blogging trends that have developed this year due to its growing popularity. Don’t be late to the party- incorporate them into your marketing mix and watch your customers’ appeal (and appetites) grow. 

Burkhart knows all the tips and tricks of implementing blogging into marketing strategies. Visit our website today to see how we can help you with all your food blog needs.


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