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Tag: customer experience

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My first memory of product customization was when I was about five years old at a gift shop on vacation searching for my name on a light-up keychain. The only thing I wanted for Christmas when I was 10 was a Nike ID gift card to design my gym shoes

digital signage

In the age of technology, we are constantly distracted by our phones and less likely to pay attention to our surroundings. Print media is highly unlikely to catch the consumer’s eye and becomes expensive if you are changing your advertisements frequently. Digital signage is more economical, efficient and eye-catching. It

Marketing and design go hand in hand. Without good design, all marketing would look the same, and without marketing, there would be no need for design. They work together to make companies everywhere have an impact on their consumers.  Today, more and more big companies are making design a top

When you take a survey it seems like the structure seems very self-explanatory or even easy to replicate. How hard can it be to ask a few questions? Surprisingly, it can be rather difficult, especially when you are trying to get valuable information from the participant(s). Read some tips below

The customer ecosystem is no longer a strictly brick-and-mortar affair. Rather, consumers now move seamlessly back and forth between online and offline experiences and expect organizations to keep pace. That being said, here’s what you need to know about keeping your digital ecosystem functional to provide experiences that convert. What

Professional photographer shooting product photos for marketing

From showcasing your creativity in building your brand awareness, exhibiting at a trade show could be the next big move for your company. Trade Shows are a beneficial event marketing tool that allows you to show off your product or service, leverage your competition and engage with your audience. Nothing

Social media reviews can bring to your local business what other marketing efforts cannot. They are extremely important when marketing your brand in today’s competitive market. According to Brightlocal.com, 88% of people read reviews to determine the quality of a local business and gage trustworthiness. Reliability, expertise, and professionalism are

Consumers have more choice now than ever before. If you want a pasta twirling fork in red, you can get that literally the next day. The world is the consumer’s oyster. And for businesses, that means it’s more important than ever to create a product or service that’s memorable, engaging,

Unfortunately, there is not an exact formula or science you can follow in order to have guaranteed franchise success. That being said, there are some universal basics you may use as a framework for your brand in order to help improve efficiencies and turn a profit. Essentially, there are three fundamental

Sorry to disappoint, but there is no silver bullet for franchise success. There’s no list of ‘10 weird tricks’ that’ll deliver riches beyond belief to franchisees and their parent companies. But there are some universal basics that you can review and compare your brand against so that you can improve


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