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What are Interpersonal Skills? + Five Ways to Develop Them

Interpersonal skills

What are Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills are vital for our communication toolbox. Without interpersonal skills, how would we communicate with others? These tools are what we use to connect and interact with people or groups in any setting. These skills are often called soft skills which come naturally through our personality traits. They help us verbally, and sometimes nonverbally, communicate with others through conversations and body language. Some of the most known soft skills are leadership, empathy, listening and even collaboration. To discover the importance of these skills and how to actively use them, continue reading below.

When we think about the world of marketing, being able to communicate is a skill everyone needs in order to thrive in the field. Integrating these interpersonal skills into everyday interactions is crucial. They will guide us to successfully establish personal and professional relationships. These aspects often make people more likable or as some say, ‘a people person.’ The connections you build through exemplary interpersonal skills will help you thrive in your life and your career. Take a moment, and reflect on the strongest interpersonal skills that have helped you grow. What have you been able to accomplish?  


Five Interpersonal Skills Everyone Should Master

  • Communication – This is an essential skill as it allows us to collaborate and demonstrate our ideas all while maintaining interactions with other people. 
  • Leadership – Being a motivated worker who steps up and takes initiative is a very inspiring role. This lead shows that you value every aspect of a team while maintaining organization. 
  • Empathy – People always feel more connected to those who demonstrate and understand empathy. Displaying emotions in the workplace allows you to be more understanding.
  • Collaborate – Teamwork is a valuable asset of any workplace. Actively sharing personal ideas and knowledge while considering perspectives will lead to success.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  • Active Listening – Listening to others is a very important interpersonal skill. Active listening allows us to show we value what others have to say and understand what is being verbalized.


Five ways to Develop Interpersonal Skills

So, you now know the five interpersonal skills that everyone should have, but how do you develop them? We’ve compiled what we believe to be the best ways you can grow your interpersonal skills and placed them below. Let us know what you think.


  • Recognize areas for improvement – When you notice and accept areas that can become stronger, you strengthen your skills. Empathizing strengths and weaknesses will strengthen your abilities and those around you. 
  • Utilize your skills – Never stop applying your strengths to work and projects; there is always a need for new ideas. For instance, use strengths such as active listening and leadership when and where they are most needed. 
  • Never stop growing your skillset – Perfection is impossible, meaning there is always an opportunity to learn and room to grow. Communicate with others to get perspectives on how you can grow your expertise. 
  • Reach out and ask for suggestions – Multiple perspectives are crucial. Connect with a friend or colleague and ask them how and where you can improve. 
  • Use your resources – Use everything you are provided but don’t hesitate to research and read in order to grow your knowledge. Collaborate because new and shared knowledge is highly beneficial.


Team up with Burkhart marketing to maximize your interpersonal skill capabilities today!


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