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Employee Spotlight: McKenzie Theis – Marketing Intern


As we enter a new season, we have brought in new talent into our Burkhart family! McKenzie Theis is our Marketing intern for the fall, and we are elated for the value she is already adding to our office. McKenzie is entering her final year at Butler University where she is studying Strategic Communication. Her outgoing and driven personality shines through to all her friends and family – read more to see if you can catch it!


What drew you to be an intern in the advertising/marketing world?

“I was drawn to advertising and marketing because it represents the human side of the business while also offering opportunities for creative freedom and personal voice to breakthrough. I also feel most energized by roles that empower me to listen to people’s wants and needs and use that information to influence change. These are two skills I have found within the marketing and advertising world.”

You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?

“I would be “Sunshine Yellow!” Sunset is my favorite time of day and my favorite song growing up was “You are my sunshine,” so my mom still calls me sunshine today. The color yellow also immediately brightens my day and represents positivity in my mind!”

Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job?

“Work at the perfect job.”

What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?

“When I’m alone in the car I think of what I have to do that day/week or think through who I haven’t had a chance to catch up with recently so I can give them a call.”

What is your most-used emoji? 


What is a professional goal that you hope to accomplish in the next five years?

“In the next five years, I hope to receive my MBA and work for a purpose-driven company in a marketing or communications role. Where that will take place I’m not sure, but I’m looking forward to the journey.”

How would your friends/family describe you?

“My friends and family would describe me as a very outgoing, excited, and positive person, but also as someone who is highly motivated, driven, and ambitious.”

Is your glass half-full or half-empty?

“Half-full for sure.”

Do you have a favorite 90’s sitcom? If so, what is it? 

“Friends or Full House.”

Is there anything you wish would come back into fashion? 

“Flare Jeans!”

What are you most excited for during your time with Burkhart as an Intern?

“I’m excited to become part of the Burkhart team as the marketing intern as I stretch my writing and social media skills and build my understanding of media planning! I have also never worked in a marketing agency before so I’m looking forward to learning more about the culture of the office itself!”


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